Back on the Blogging Horse


Turkeys roaming the grass a few blocks from the Mall of America after a few days of laying low around Thanksgiving.

I swear, I take a few days off during Thanksgiving and I just can't get back on the blogging horse. Normally, I have a back log of stuff to write about but this week I'm a little slow. Part of it is that I'm getting a new camera (the other part is just writing deadlines). It finally arrived yesterday. Based on a friend's recommendation I got a Fuji FinePix 900 which is supposed to be very good with all I need to do is get my hands on a spotting scope... The above photo was taken with a friend's camera but I'm having fun testing out the camera on whatever is nearby:

"This place is a dump, look at all the dust under the coffee table. I don't approve."


This is The Raptor Center chicken no, just kidding. We use this bird with preschool programs. It's a bird kids can touch and still go home with all of their digits intact.

Boy, I can't wait to try this camera out at banding this Friday.


I realized I forgot a couple of gift ideas in the last post--one being the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (aka Duck Stamp). I great gift for someone you don't know what to get them--give the gift of conservation along with a pass to all National Wildlife Refuges. Also works well for coworkers, people you don't know very well but have to give a gift to anyway since it's in a good price range.

You will note I still have the stamp tag on my binos.It's not as annoying as we thought, and I think the Ross' goose adds some nice flair to them. Also, note the little rose-breasted grosbeak and the red-bellied woodpecker in back? It looks like some Target stores have brought back their accurate bird ornaments. About five years ago they had a whole bunch of birds and my in-laws bought me the whole set. And I'm not just talking cardinals and bluebirds, they had orioles, scarlet tanagers, indigo buntings, barn swallows, cedar waxwings downy woodpeckers--a really great selection of birds--a red-bellied woodpecker for cryin' out loud--are you kidding me? So, check the Christmas ornament section at Target for these birds. I think they're only $5 - $6 (I have only seen them in Target store, I did not see them available on the website).

We always try to get a live tree with a little stick on the top, and then I try to attach the downy or the red-bellied to it. In this photo, the downy woodpecker got the top spot. You can see I propped up the red-bellied and tried to hang the white-breasted nuthatch in the proper "rump up" position too. This is an old photo, our apartment walls are white instead of red. As I was digging it up, I found this photo of me with my mother-in-law:


Ah, good times. The in-laws always come up from Ohio to visit the first weekend in December and help us pick out a Christmas tree and catch up. Judy and I were putting on the lights when Non Birding Bill said, "Smile you two!" and on cue this was the pose we struck. We ended up using that as our Christmas card that year with the caption, "Sharon gets the ultimate wish this Christmas." I'm so lucky to have such an understanding mother-in-law.

I used to feel bad that they would come up the first weekend in December because that's the same weekend as the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Paper Session but I now realize what a good thing it is. The in-laws love to visit the Mall of America and I do not. So NBB takes them to the Mall while I have to go to the paper session--whew, bullet smartly dodged.

Gifts for Birders, Bird Watchers and Bird Lovers

Are you stumped what to get the bird nut in your life? Here are some suggestions for the coming holiday season.

Books, CDs and Calendars
Voices of North American Owls CD - This two CD set has every known call from every owl in North America. The tracks are not narrated, but you can follow along with the playlist to learn the different calls. Most complete collection of owl calls for North America.

Fascinating Loons - A great gift book full of beautiful loon photos and informational captions. This book is full of great loon tid bits without being overwhelming. The information is thorough enough that even someone familiar with loons will find it enjoyable.

Fascinating Loons Audio CD
- Sold separately from the book, this CD identifies the different calls of the loons and then the rest is just the calls of the loons mixed with other natural sounds. If you're longing for loon sounds in mid-winter this is the perfect fix. Great for relaxing.

Letters From Eden - This books is perfect for anyone interested in nature, birds and art. It's as if you've found Julie's journal and get to explore not only her writing, but her sketches as well. Perfect gift. If you order from the link above in a reasonable amount of time, you can get it autographed by Julie herself.

All Things Reconsidered - Books with Roger Tory Peterson are always a hit with birders. The essays, photographs, and illustrations in the book were selected by Bill of the Birds. He's the editor of Bird Watcher's Digest, which ran Peterson's column, "All Things Reconsidered," during the last twelve years of his life.

The Shorebird Guide - This book makes shorebirds sexy! It works to break down shorebird identification into an easy and fun way to learn. You won't be an expert overnight but it's the best tool out there for the job. The photos in this book are AMAZING and the book will give you a new apprecation for their beauty. Great for hardcore and intermediate birdres. It even includes quizes to help test your id skills.

Ornithology - Do you know a hardcore maxi geek birder who seems to have everything already? They don't have this yet--it's the new edition of Ornithology by Frank Gill.

Birdchick Calendars - Shameless self promotion I know but it's my blog and these calendars are part of how I make my living. They are available for the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois and Indiana. Each month has fabulous photos by Stan Tekiela, a list of common birds to expect, a list of tips for attracting birds and trivia about birds specific to each state. Available at most bird stores, book stores and online at Adventure Publications.

Hi Tech Birding

Handheld Birds - I think this is a great educational gift for anyone of all ages. You can purchase either the program for a Palm Pilot or you can purchase the unit all in one. It's a National Geographic Field Guide including bird calls all in one pocket sized package. Many of the terms are highlighted and when you click on that word, a definition will pop up. I think this is a great gift for a kid seriously into birds (some may argue the expense, but when you compare it to video gaming systems, it's competitively priced.

birdPod - This is a great gift for someone who already has the Stokes Birding CDs and an iPod. It's a program that organizes all the bird calls into different playlists, takes out the narration, and takes all the tracks that have two bird species on them and divides them into two separate tracks.

FYI to people who already have the birdPod software! New playlists are available to download. They even have a playlist for the Space Coast Bird Festival.

Outdoor Breezy Singers - These solar powered birds can be placed outside and sing when they sense motion. The cardinal and the bluebirds will make most people mildly interested in birds, but if you want to really impress a birder, get them the common yellowthroat.

Shirts -

Nice Boobies
Hot All-Bird Action
Pish Off
General Bird Shirts (I especially like the herons).

Optics - If you are ordering optics, please consider using the link on the blog page with the Eagle Optics logo. Any purchases made using that link supports this site.

Eagle Optics Insight - Monoculars are great for kids if you're not sure if they are ready for the responsibility of binoculars. I also like them for adult birders--I call mine the emergency binocular. I can always keep it in my purse if I'm somewhere and don't expect to be birding but suddenly find myself outside during a warbler fallout. I know joggers and bikers like to keep them in their pockets too when they are out and about. I like the insights best, they're only $25 and have pretty good clarity for that price. If you're getting one of these for "purse binoculars" I recommend getting the yellow ones, they are easier to find in a dark purse!

Optics are tough because it is such an individual choice. What I like in a binocular is based on my small hands and how my eyes are set on my face. Just because I like something doesn't necessarily mean everyone will. Here are a couple of suggestions.

I think a great starter binocular is the Stokes Talon - one of the best that you can get for under $200. Has a great lifetime no fault warranty (even if you drive over it, send back the pieces and they will either repair it or send you a new bino) is waterproof, fog resistant, and can close focus within four to six feet.

Do you know of a good gift idea for a birder? Leave the suggestion in the comments section.

Birdchick Gift Guide...and confession

I had Non Birding Bill help me set up a Gift Guide if you are looking for some ideas for the birder in your life.

I just realized that I forgot to include a couple of items, one being a binocular harness--okay, I know, I know--friends of mine are reading this post and saying to themselves, "Did Sharon just recommend a binocular harness...after making fun of mine for years?!" YES! Yes, I am now wearing a binocular harness, it's sad but true. I can't help it, they make your binoculars so much more comfortable, I was a foolish, foolish girl for poking fun at my friends and saying that they were wearing a "bino bra". For those that don't know, a binocular harness takes the weight of your optics off of your neck and places it on your shoulders--it's really, really comfortable. Anyway, if you know someone who loves their binoculars and they are always complaining about how heavy they are, a harness is a great gift. It fits most binoculars and can be used for cameras as well. The straps are elastic and stretch to fit your needs and body shape.

Another thoughtful and easy small gift is a set of hand warmers. These things are so awesome for gold weather birding. They warm up when exposed to air and can be tucked in gloves and boots. I also have used them tucked along my pant line on my lower back when sitting in a blind to avoid a sore back. These things are a cheap (I've seen them anywhere from $1 - $2 a set) and thoughtful gift for any birder. I've seen them all over from Gander Mountain, Cabela's and even Walgreen's.