The snow is grainy and hard, but it still gives enough surface for a pretty good sled ride. Bill and Liam got suited up and took a few trips down our hill. Liam's favorite part is the wipe-out at the bottom. He pitches forward on his face, on purpose. Chet follows them down the hill but won't climb on the sled. His job is to lick faces after the wipeout.
The birds are going through food like there's no tomorrow. I had one goal in my crazy day yesterday, and that was to make a triple batch of peanut butter suet dough so I wouldn't be empty-handed when the Carolina wrens came calling this morning. I did it, just before rushing back out the door, trying not to get lard on my good red sweater, and the wrens have full crops this morning. Those little birds probably owe their lives to suet dough, especially when ice coats everything for the better part of a week.
We had a great time last night playing at a Songwriter's Night in Parkersburg WV. I was impressed by the indelible Appalachian flavor of the music, performer after performer. It's not a World Cafe out there--there are still regional influences and styles of music that persist, something I find comforting.