Happy Naked Thanksgiving!

There are updates at the end of this post!

Non Birding Bill and I are celebrating our usual day long date that we call Naked Thanksgiving. One of the many things I'm grateful for is just some time with each other. It was suggested that bird bloggers post photos of turkeys today. I'm not sure if everyone is going to do it, but I have turkey photos:

Lovely! Although, I took this photo last March when males are in their mating mode. I think they have to puff of those feathers to distract from this:

What female turkey wouldn't want a piece of that?

If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have a great day...and if you don't celebrate, I hope you're having a great day too. I'm grateful to everyone who stops by here from time to time to take a look. I'm grateful for my family, for NBB, for having a roof over my head, for our crazy pets.

Update 1: The above is a female, but based on the comment hilarity, I'm keepin' it! And honestly, the males really don't look better than that. And if you would like to see an actual tom head, check out Bill of the Birds. He's got it goin' on!

Update 2: I found more turkey photos. Here's cute turkey photo sent to my by April Grunspan:

And I noticed PicusBlog has a cool turkey blog entry up too.

Update 3: Birding Bev has graciously compiled the turkey photos and offers a most succulent bird in her post.