Birdchick Podcast #79: Birder Packing, Protesting: Birding Style!

I have no idea what's going to happen with the podcast over the next week and a half.  I'll be in Israel and though I'm assured that there will be Internet access-I have no idea about what kind of free time I'll have and so we may have a podcast before December 1 or we may not.  Speaking of traveling, I have a post on 10,000 Birds about essentials all birders should back when traveling. In the meantime, check out Twin Cities Naturalist--he has a contest!

Right now if you order a pair of binoculars from Eagle Optics, you can get an ABA membership for $15 instead of $45.  Listen to the podcast for a discount code to Eagle Optics.

Dead found in a salad bag.  What species could it be?

Non Birding Bill's Kickstarter Project!

Birders who are protesting the Sandhill Crane Hunt in Kentucky are buying a license and a lottery ticket.  Only 400 will be given out and it's only $13 to enter if you are a non resident.  This same strategy was used by Paul Johnsgard in the 1990s to protest a prairie chicken hunt and was successful.

Some western marsh harrier males have permanent female plumage. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

Fascinating article about veery migration--where they go, how long they stay.  Wow, if we found this out about veeries, what else don't we know.  This is what a veery sounds like.  If you have never heard one in the wild, it is a moral imperative that you rectify this:
