My wonderful employees

For those that may have missed the NBC segment, you can view it at

I swear, you leave one bird encased in ice, several layers of foil and a couple of freezer bags and your husband labels you a freak and possibly an unsafe cook. Personally, I think it's his fault for digging into mystery items in the fridge. I don't see what he's complaining about, it's just a little waterthrush that flew into a window (I keep meaning to take to the Bell Museum and keep forgetting--and for those curious, I do have a permit for that bird in my freezer). If non-birding Bill is upset by a tiny frozen warbler, I don't even want to begin to think of what he'd say about the partially crushed great-horned owl in the freezer at work. My employees don't complain, but then again I'm in charge of their checks.

Speaking of which, it's time for me to do performance appraisals at work. I always joke that the gifts should start pouring in this time of year, and a few employees have taken me seriously (one learned of my love of bacon and got me a rasher of the fanciest bacon I've ever eaten). Last week Denny got me owl pellets...and not just any owls pellets, but long-eared owl pellets, it's not every day you get one of those. After a hectic day I dissected them and found two rodent skulls in each and wished I had more of an interest in learning rodent anatomy. I have no idea what these four critters used to be but I had fun digging them out of the little black fur wads.

Long-eared owl pellets from Denny.

Two skulls were found in each pellet. Alas, I don't know what type of rodent, if I did then I would be the rodent chick which just doesn't have a nice of ring to it as bird chick does.

Well, I better clean up my mess, non-birding Bill doesn't appreciate exploded owl pellet all over the coffee table.