General Giddiness

From the Raptor Center Education Rabbit:

"I disapprove of head performance, no matter how good I am at it."

Original Japanese Site on Rabbit Head Performance.

Non Birding Bill introduced me to Oolong a few years ago, on one of his many searches on the internet. I've tried it with our own rabbits (note Cinnamon's disapproval below--perhaps we were a bit ambitious with that dice pillow), but they do not have the patience for it at all. The TRC Education Rabbit appears to be a natural. Someone had put this toy in her hutch. (Odd choice for a rabbit toy. The rabbit hasn't done much with it besides wear it on her head and pee on it)

By the way, I apologize for the larger than normal number of typos in yesterday's entry. That's what I get for blogging during radio interviews that start at 5:45am. Non Birding Bill tells me not to worry, that my typos show that my blog is written by an actual person and not some corporation.

Today I'm excited, I head for the San Diego Bird Fest tomorrow. I'll be tying up a few loose ends and packing today. I have to figure out my outfit for tomorrow. When I leave Minneapolis, it will be around 26 degrees. When I arrive in San Diego, it will be in the 70s.

By the way, here is another pair of feet from TRC. Any guesses as to which bird owns these tootsies?

I'll give a hint: note all the white patches on the ankle bracelets and feet? That's from the bird crapping on its legs to stay cool. Still can't guess? Here's an easy hint: this bird vomits when nervous or startled. That's right, you guessed it, these are turkey vulture feet. Vultures are no longer considered raptors since they do not use their feet to grab and kill their food and they have been reclassified as being closer in relation to storks, but vultures can be a pill to deal with--what with all that vomiting when scared, so I think most wildlife rehabbers are happy that TRC still takes them in. This particular vulture is the same age I am, we were both hatched in the summer of 1974. He was used in a study to test patagial tags (tags they put on California condor wings so they can be identified when soaring). In that process this vulture became imprinted and cannot be released. This particular education bird is infamous for biting, so not everyone works with. I used to work with the vulture, but he has figured out the exact spot in his mew to stand in when I go to get him for program so that I cannot reach him (curse my shortness). Which may not be a bad thing. One day during vulture mating season, I watched him "mate" with a handler while sitting on her gloved wasn't pretty.